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Submission of Papers 
All papers are subjected to a blind peer review process. Manuscripts are invited from academicians, research students, and scientists for publication consideration. Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers accepted for publication may not be published elsewhere in the same form, either in the language of the paper or any other language, without the consent of the Editorial Board. There is no submission fee. The publication fee for accepted articles is $20 per printed page and it is including 20 off-prints set are provided. For Indian authors charges is Rs.450 per page.

Presentation of Manuscripts 

It is necessary to submit your work following the format of the sample article. No maximum length of contributions is prescribed but articles should not normally exceed 30 pages in length. Articles should be written clearly and concisely. All unnecessary textual matter, figures and tables should be eliminated. Table should not repeat data which is available elsewhere in the script. They should be numbered consecutively. Tabulated matter should be clearly set out and the number of columns in each table should not be unwieldy. Tables should carry legends which make their general meanings clear without reference to the text and all table columns should have explanatory headings. References should be numbered consecutively and preferably given at the end of the article. References should be in the following order: Initials followed by name of author(s), year in parentheses, title of article, name of journal book volume/edition, (place of publication and publisher in the case of a book), inclusive pages. Special care must be taken in citing references correctly. Responsibility for the accuracy of these rests entirely with the authors. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material which has appeared in another publication. 



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