International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE)
Volume 4, Number 3 (2011)
Comparison of TLM and FDTD Methods in RCS Estimation pp. 283-287 Authors: R. Srinivasa Rao and P.V. Subbaiah Indirect Position Detection and Speed Control of PMBLDC Motor using LABVIEW pp. 289-298 Authors: Vanisri A. and Devarajan N. Wavelet Transform for Classification of Voltage Sag Causes using Probabilistic Neural Network pp. 299-309 Authors: M. Manjula, A.V.R.S. Sarma and G.V. Naga Lakshmi An Enhanced Control Algorithm for Three Phase Shunt Triggering Compensator pp. 311-328 Authors: V.V. Karthikeyan and B.R. Gupta Reactive Power Compensation with Harmonics Analysis pp. 329-340 Authors: Naresh Kumar and Dr. D.K. Palwalia Design and Development of Three Stator Winding Induction Motor pp. 341-351 Authors: V. Chandrasekaran and T. Manigandan File Management Architecture for Montgomery Algorithm in Elliptic Curve pp. 353-361 Authors: M. Prabu and R. Shanmugalakshmi Genetic Algorithm based Generation Cost Constrained Re-dispatching Schedule in Deregulated Power Market pp. 363-374 Authors: Sawan Sen, Priyanka Roy, S. Sengupta and A. Chakrabarti Modeling and Simulation of Closed Loop Controlled PFC Half Bridge Converter Fed PMBLDC Motor using Simulink pp. 375-387 Authors: C. Umayal and S. Rama Reddy